Surprise Restaurant
Once upon a time, not long ago, the “Discount Supermarkets” led by Lidl and Aldi were the stores reserved exclusively for those unable to appreciate, or indeed pay for, high-quality food and drink.
The Black Arts persuaded the brave marketeers at Lidl to build a Restaurant in East London’s then “trendy” Shoreditch that appeared to be a “Start-up”, not a “Pop-up”.
It served amazing food in an intensely competitive area to diners whose weekly shop was more likely to be at Fortnum & Mason (or the very least M&S) The resident Michelin Starred Chef ( a former store manager at Lidl) prepared delicious food and award-winning wines and a bill at the end of the meal.
However, there was a twist if the bill came to £125,80 it was followed by good news “Because all the food and drink is from “Lidl” your bill tonight is £27.43”
Lidl Surprises was born, proved a PR and Social Media triumph and the resultant Advertising helped change consumer perceptions forever.
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